9 novembre 2011

Steve avait raison

Steve Jobs, en Avril 2010:

In addition, Flash has not performed well on mobile devices. We have routinely asked Adobe to show us Flash performing well on a mobile device, any mobile device, for a few years now. We have never seen it. Adobe publicly said that Flash would ship on a smartphone in early 2009, then the second half of 2009, then the first half of 2010, and now they say the second half of 2010. We think it will eventually ship, but we’re glad we didn’t hold our breath.

Nous sommes en Novembre 2011 et Adobe annonce l’arrêt du développement de Flash Player sur les mobiles (via ZDNet):

Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores. We will no longer adapt Flash Player for mobile devices to new browser, OS version or device configurations.

Je reviendrai plus en détail sur ce sujet dès que j’aurai fini de rigoler…

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[…] n’est pas parce qu’on a gagné une bataille (voir même plusieurs) qu’on a gagné la guerre… Et si on ne veut pas que Flash […]

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